Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body, early Sunday morning, only to find it empty. When angels at the tomb tell them that Jesus has been raised from the dead, the women react with both fear and joy. At this point I become somewhat confused. It uncertain to me why the angelic message didn’t register with Mary Magdalene, but it appears that she runs ahead of the other women to find Peter and John, who, upon being told of the body’s disappearance, rushes with Mary to the empty tomb. Peter and John examine the tomb and John at least goes away convinced that Jesus has risen as He said. Then John records: “Then the disciples went back to their homes.” (John 20:10, ESV).
Jesus himself appears to Mary Magdalene there by the tomb, and then to the other women who are still on their way back from the tomb to tell of the resurrection.